Implementing the ASSURE Instructional Design Model


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Implementing with the ASSURE Model


When implementing the ASSURE model, the instructor should consider the following:

Analyze Learners:
Who is the target audience?
What is the prior knowledge?
What is the students learning styles?

State Objectives:
What are the objectives?
What is the expected outcome after the lesson?
What is the expected level of mastery?

Select Methods, Media and Material
What media and material will be effective for mastery?
What media is more engaging  and appealing to the target audience?
What materials are necessary for the lesson to be effective?

Utilize Media and Materials
Are there any discrepancies or errors?
Are all material organized and ready for distribution?
Is all media for the lesson current?

Require Learner Participation
Is the lesson engaging?
Will the lesson keep the audience attentive?
Will there be any interaction by the audience?

Evaluate and Revise
Are activities able to assess the effectiveness of lesson?